VDC Financial Management Software RFP

Pennyrile Area Development District is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to provide a Financial Management Software solution that will serve as a single source of information for the Veteran Directed Care Program in a hub-and-spoke model approach. The software must facilitate comprehensive financial tracking, patient case mix level documentation, spending plan management, detailed spending reports, electronic visit verification (EVV) for timesheet tracking, and electronic claims processing utilizing UB-04 forms. Additionally, the system must ensure HIPAA compliance and allow for seamless integration with existing VA systems.

All VDC Financial Management proposals must be submitted electronically in PDF format to [email protected] no later than 4:00 PM on Friday, April 4, 2025. Late submissions will not be considered. Any questions regarding the RFP should be directed to Alisha Sutton, Chief Financial Officer at [email protected] before Friday, March 21, 2025.



