July 2022 PADD Board of Directors Meeting Recap

The July PeADD Board of Directors Meeting took place Monday, July 11th and was held at the PeADD office in Hopkinsville and virtually via Zoom which was streamed live on YouTube.  Crittenden County Judge Executive and PeADD Board Chair, Perry Newcom chaired the beginning of the meeting.

Judge Executive Steve Tribble, PeADD Nominating Committee Chair, administered the Oath of Office to officially install the new PeADD Officers who were present:  Judge Executive Hollis Alexander, Trigg Co. (Board Chair), Mayor Jan Yonts, City of Greenville (Vice Chair), Crissy Carter, Livingston Co. (Secretary), and Judge Executive Todd Mansfield, Todd Co. (Treasurer).  Judge Hollis Alexander chaired the remainder of the meeting as the FY '23 Board Chair.

Members of the PeADD Management Team – Amy Frogue (Community & Economic Development), Jill Collins (Area Agency on Aging & Independent Living), Sheila Clark (West Kentucky Workforce), and Alisha Sutton (Administration) presented a slide presentation overview of their FY '23 Work Plan and an update on program activities.

Crissy Carter, PeADD Board Treasurer, presented the FY ’23 Budget, which was recommended by the PeADD Executive Committee and approved by the Board.  Amanda Davenport, Executive Director for the Lake Barkley Partnership, was voted in as a new board member to fill a vacancy in Caldwell County.  A corporate bank resolution was also presented and approved by the Board.  

Mr. Vincent welcomed new PeADD Board Members Verdell Smith, Citizen Representative for Christian County and Amanda Davenport, Citizen Representative for Caldwell County.  He also discussed his appreciation to the community for their participation in the Innovative Readiness Training Western Kentucky Wellness Mission that took place between June 15-22.  Mr. Vincent noted that the services provided well exceeded the expectations of the Army Reserve members performing them.

Comments were made throughout the meeting by various board members and guests about the late John C. Mahre,  a long-time Chair of the Regional Transportation Committee for the PeADD and instrumental in the formation of the transportation committees across the state.



