About Us
Contact Us
300 Hammond Drive
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Closed Noon - 1:00 pm for lunch
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Closed Noon - 1:00 pm for lunch
(270) 886-9484
Toll Free: 800-928-7233
TTY: 1-800-648-6056
Fax: (270) 886-3211
Toll Free: 800-928-7233
TTY: 1-800-648-6056
Fax: (270) 886-3211

Email Us
The Pennyrile Area Development District is a public planning and development organization collaborating with local leaders, agencies and staff striving to support regional strategies, solutions and partnerships that improve the overall quality of life for the citizens of the Pennyrile region. PeADD brings local civic and governmental leaders together to accomplish major objectives, taking advantage of opportunities which cannot be achieved by those governments acting alone. The PeADD is motivated to educate and empower communities by implementing quality services through specific expertise in Aging, Community and Economic Development, Human Services, and Workforce Development for western Kentucky's nine (9) county Pennyrile region, which includes Caldwell, Christian, Crittenden, Hopkins, Livingston, Lyon, Muhlenberg, Todd and Trigg counties.
PeADD’s mission is to provide the Pennyrile region with the highest quality of professional planning, development and implementation services in the areas of community and economic development, workforce, transportation, social services, and public administration. This mission shall be carried out under the direction of the PeADD Board of Directors with an emphasis on integrity, professionalism, efficiency, and continuous quality and customer service improvement.
PeADD’s mission is to provide the Pennyrile region with the highest quality of professional planning, development and implementation services in the areas of community and economic development, workforce, transportation, social services, and public administration. This mission shall be carried out under the direction of the PeADD Board of Directors with an emphasis on integrity, professionalism, efficiency, and continuous quality and customer service improvement.

From Points North (coming south on the Pennyrile Parkway):
- Take the Pennyrile Parkway (Ed Breathitt Pennyrile Parkway) south to Hopkinsville
- Right exit at Exit 7 (US-41A / Ft Campbell Blvd) and turn right at the light onto Ft Campbell Blvd. Almost immediately, make a left turn across the oncoming traffic onto Old Clarksville Pike
- Drive 300 ft, then turn left at Hammond Drive and go south
- Go approximately 600 yards to the gray block building on the left side of the road
From Points East (on US-68 from Elkton, Russellville, Bowling Green):
- Follow US-68 to US-68 Bypass (Martin Luther King, Jr. Way) - turn left
- Drive west approximately 3 miles to US-41A (Ft. Campbell Blvd) - turn right (north)
- Turn left at the second traffic light onto Sivley Rd
- Turn right again at first street (Hammond Drive)
- Go approximately 500 yards to the gray block building on the right side of the road
From Points South (north on US-41A from I-24):
- North on US-41A to Hopkinsville (about 7 miles)
- Turn left at the second light after reaching the Bypass (US-68 Bypass) onto Sivley Rd
- Turn right again at first street (Hammond Drive)
- Go approximately 500 yards to the gray block building on the right side of the road
From Points West (US-68 off I-24 from Cadiz, Eddyville, Murray, etc):
- From US-68, turn right onto the Eagle Way Bypass (US-68 Bypass) approximately 3 miles west of Hopkinsville. This will be the first light you come to after leaving the Interstate.
- Follow Eagle Way about 5 miles to the south and east to US-41A (Ft. Campbell Blvd) - turn left
- Turn left at the second light after turning onto Ft. Campbell Blvd onto Sivley Rd
- Turn right again at first street (Hammond Drive)
- Go approximately 500 yards to the gray block building on the right side of the road