Older Americans Month Local Spotlight

In honor of Older Americans Month 2021, the Pennyrile Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living is recognizing older adults throughout the Pennyrile.

Peggy Wayne is a Certified Ombudsman Volunteer with the Pennyrile District Long Term Care Ombudsman Program.  She has served as an advocate for long term care residents since March 2018.  Her primary focus is in Muhlenberg County where she covers four facilities. In addition to her advocacy work, she also participates in the Forgotten Angels Program each year.
Peggy is a 1969 nursing school graduate and worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse for fifty-two years before retiring seven years ago.  She has been a Master Gardener for twenty years, although is currently inactive.  Peggy has two children, seven grandchildren and five great grandchildren.  She attends Second Baptist Church of Greenville.  Peggy is a strong advocate and asset to our community!



