February 2021 PADD Board of Directors Monthly Meeting

The PeADD Board of Directors held their monthly meeting on Monday, February 8, 2021.  Federal and State Reports were provided.  KY Representative Melinda Gibbons Prunty provided an update General Assembly activity stating they will be back in session on February 9 and will continue reviewing legislation and developing a state budget.  Ms. Jill Collins, Director, Pennyrile AAAIL, provided an activity update and presented a PACs Transportation Unit Rate Increase of $1 per unit for the period of 2/1/21 to 6/30/21 which was approved by the Board.  Ms. Amy Frogue, Associate Director, CED, provided grant updates and presented a Resolution to the EDA to release its federal interest in certain Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) awards to reduce RLF recipient administrative burden and allow RLF award funds to be used for broader economic development purposes.  The Board approved the resolution as presented.  Ms. Julie Allen, Workforce Programs Coordinator, provided an update on criteria for Work Ready Communities and Labor & Unemployment trends.  Guest speakers were Ms. Shellie Hampton, Legislative Director with Kentucky Association of Counties (KACo), and Mr. J.D. Chaney, Executive Director/CEO of the Kentucky League of Cities (KLC), who gave an overview of important legislative issues supported in 2021.  A few of these legislative issues are investment in transportation infrastructure, broadband access & affordability, jail relief, historical horse racing, revenue diversification, abandoned property, and energy sources.  Mr. Jason Vincent, PeADD Executive Director, introduced and welcomed new PeADD Board Member, Ms. Karen Robinson, Muhlenberg County and PeADD Employee, Ms. Jackie Miles.  Mr. Vincent stated the Kentucky Council of ADDs will be hosting breakfast this week for all Legislators in Frankfort to show appreciation for the work they do on behalf of cities and counties.  PeADD Board members are invited to participate in the KCADD Council virtual meeting scheduled for February 11, 2021 at 8:00 a.m.



