SHIP Counselors to Assist with Medicare Enrollment

Enrollment in all Pennyrile Counties Begins October 15, 2020.

What Is SHIP
The Kentucky State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) provides information, counseling and assistance to seniors and disabled individuals, their families and caregivers. This service is provided at no charge by local, well-trained counselors.

The program seeks to educate the general public and Medicare beneficiaries so they are better able to make informed decisions about their health care. SHIP does not sell any health insurance products.

SHIP Services
SHIP provides the following services:
  • One-on-one counseling by telephone or in person;
  • Presentations to community groups;
  • Printed educational and informational materials; and
  • Referrals (connections to other agencies).

Click link below to view a Senior Center location near you.



