Western KY Veteran's Center

(270) 322-9087
926 Veterans Drive
Hanson, KY   42413
Owner: OKVC/KDVA - Frankfort, KY
Visiting Hours: 8:00 am - Dusk
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Procedure for Admission: Contact Admission Manager - Lisa Ware
Selection Criteria: Eligible Kentucky-resident veterans (no Dishonorable Discharge)
Not Accepted:  ventilator; diagnosed mental illness; history of violence
Respite Care: No

Laundry Charges:  no charge
Personal Furniture:  As space allows
Total Beds:  156
Total Rooms:  68 Private; 88 Semi-private
Bathroom Facilities:  Private and Shared
Telephone Services: Available
Television Services:  Available

FOOD SERVICE: 2 dining rooms
Dining Room Capacity: 30 & 90 in main building; 36 in CLC's
Menus Posted - Yes
Breakfast: 7:00 am
Lunch: 11:35 am
Dinner: 4:45 pm

Therapy Services: PT in-house no charge, ST & OT contracted out
Doctors who visit regularly:  Dr. Guinn Cost, Medical Director, on staff daily
Dentists who visit regularly:  As needed, contracted out
Beauty Salon:  Yes - 40 hrs/week - no cost
Resident Council: Meets Monthly
Family Council:  Meets Quarterly
Safety:  Wander Guard alarms and EI Pass System
Weekly Church Services: Yes - Chaplain on staff daily - guest ministers on Sundays