Community & Economic Development

Amy Frogue

Director, Community & Economic Development
Amy is responsible for the oversight and coordination of the Community & Economic Development Department. She provides assistance to cities, counties, and special districts with regard to financing and developing projects.  In addition, Amy administers the PeADD loan programs.

Jaime Embry

Disaster Resiliency Coordinator
Jaime increases individual, community, and regional resilience through all phases of the disaster cycle: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. She assists local entities with planning, implementing, and procuring funding for projects and initiatives related to disaster and emergency assistance, preparedness, and public safety

Angela Herndon

Regional Planner
Angela supervises, plans, directs and performs work activities relating to contract work between the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and the Pennyrile ADD.  She also provides technical assistance for the establishment and maintenance of city and county Planning Commissions, as well as other community development projects as needed.

Brian Jones

Community Development Specialist
Brian plans, develops, writes and administers grants from various funding sources for community and economic development, public facilities and services, housing, and related projects.  He also functions as a liaison with state and federal agencies, local government officials, community organizations and the general public.

Mike Goode

Infrastructure Coordinator
Mike provides assistance to individual water and sewer utilities in the Pennyrile area with project planning and development activities.  He acts as the facilitator of the Pennyrile Area Water Management Council and works closely with the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, Kentucky Rural Water Association and the Kentucky Division of Water.  

Pat Lee

GIS Specialist
Pat assists with mapping, computer-generated enhancements of documents, GIS displays of data and other services to enhance regional planning and operations. She also works directly with local officials and other staff members as projects arise.

Chris Miller

GIS Specialist
Chris assists with mapping, computer-generated enhancements of documents, GIS displays of data and other services to enhance regional planning and operations to plan/develop, write, and administer grants from various funding sources for community development related projects.  Chris also works directly with local officials and other staff members as projects arise.    

Jared Nelson

Projects Coordinator
Jared plans, develops, writes and administers grants from various funding sources for community development projects. He provides technical assistance for Special Purpose Governmental Entities (SPGE) and guidance to local elected officials, as well as the Pennyrile Municipal Clerks Association, on issues that affect local governments.