Location and Sewer Line Sizes for the City of South Carrollton
Disclaimer for the Location and Sewer Line Sizes for the City of South Carrollton System Map
Last Updated Oct 2018
The sewer line sizes and locations shown on the attached map is for planning purposed and basic research only and is not intended to represent exact locations of the sewer lines. The Central City Sewer Department has a Force Main Line that runs through the City of South Carrollton but only provides service to the Bremen Element School. This sewer line is currently not set up to provide service to any other site in South Carrollton. Before anyone buys property, starts building or excavation of a site, you must contact the Central City Municipal Water and Sewer System at (270) 754-3066 and verify the location of the exact sewer line that may be able to serve your proposed site, as well as the line size, type and whether there are any access or other issues to get sewer service to your proposed site. Sewer lines are also being upgrade and new lines are being constructed every year. It is important to call and get the most up to date information. This map should not be used as the sole basis for any determination.
If you have read and understand the above disclaimer,
to access the map click on the link below
Central City Water and Sewer
P.O. Box 430
Phone: (270) 754-3066
Email: [email protected]
Web Site: ccwaterandsewer.com
Central City Water and Sewer
P.O. Box 430
Phone: (270) 754-3066
Email: [email protected]
Web Site: ccwaterandsewer.com