Pennyrile AAAIL Homecare, Title III & Legal Assistance Request for Proposal

Pennyrile Area Development District (PEADD/AAAIL) has been designated as the Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living (AAAIL), by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, in accordance with the regulations set forth in Title III of the Older Americans Act (OAA) of 1965, as amended.

As the Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living, PEADD/AAAIL is responsible for administering federal and state funded programs for the elderly for the Kentucky counties of Caldwell, Christian, Crittenden, Hopkins, Livingston, Lyon, Muhlenberg, Todd and Trigg, which comprise the PEADD/AAAIL service area. Those programs include services provided with Title III, Homecare program, and other state general fund programs.

Solicitation #2023-2 Title III & Homecare

This packet is being provided for guidance to qualified parties wishing to submit proposals to provide Title III and Homecare services to eligible persons. The hereinafter described service contracts to be administered by the Pennyrile Area Development District (PEADD/AAAIL) for fiscal years 2024, 2025, and 2026, (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026). The contracts will be reviewed and awarded pursuant to the provisions of KRS Chapter 45A.345-460, which shall govern those portions of the bidding process not specifically addressed in the special instructions. Proposals will be accepted for regional programs only. Applicant must assure all core services are available in all nine of the PEADD/AAAIL counties: Caldwell, Christian, Crittenden, Hopkins, Livingston, Lyon, Muhlenberg, Todd and Trigg.

Solicitation #2023-1 Title IIIB Legal Assistance

This packet is being provided for guidance to qualified parties wishing to submit proposals to provide Title III Legal Assistance services to eligible persons. The hereinafter described service contracts to be administered by the Pennyrile Area Development District (PEADD/AAAIL) for fiscal years 2024, 2025, and 2026, (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026). The contracts will be reviewed and awarded pursuant to the provisions of KRS Chapter 45A.345-460, which shall govern those portions of the bidding process not specifically addressed in the special instructions. Proposals will be accepted for regional programs only. Applicant must assure all core services are available in all nine of the PEADD/AAAIL counties: Caldwell, Christian, Crittenden, Hopkins, Livingston, Lyon, Muhlenberg, Todd and Trigg.

Schedule of Activities

The schedule listed below presents the major activities associated with the RFP distribution, written questions, and proposal submission. While there is no guaranteed date for the award of a contract, an anticipated date of award is also given. The PEADD/AAAIL reserves the right at its sole discretion to change the Schedule of Activities, including the associated dates and times.
Release of RFP02/17/2023
Bidders Conferencen/a
Written Questions due by: 4:30 p.m.03/13/2023
Anticipated Response to Written Questions03/20/2023
Proposals Due by: 10:00 a.m.03/31/2023
Anticipated Date of Award:05/08/2023
Anticipated Contract effective Date:07/01/2023


All proposals must be uploaded using the button below by 10 am on March 31, 2023.