The Kentucky Homeownership Protection Center provides a centralized location for information on public services to assist Kentuckians in keeping their homes. Homeowners can find information on the foreclosure process, utility assistance and home repair assistance to make smart choices and avoid losing their homes.
If you are currently delinquent on your home loan, in danger of becoming delinquent or are just starting to have financial problems that may affect your ability to pay your mortgage, do not risk losing your home! Options are available. Click here to learn more.
If you are currently delinquent on your home loan, in danger of becoming delinquent or are just starting to have financial problems that may affect your ability to pay your mortgage, do not risk losing your home! Options are available. Click here to learn more.
Neighborhood Stabalization Program
The Pennyrile Housing Corporation was awarded Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funds to address foreclosed and abandoned homes in Christian County. Under the project, 10 foreclosed homes were purchased and rehabilitated. To date, six homes have been sold. Homes will be resold to clients that are 120% and below the area median income for Christian County. In order to qualify for the program, you must be able to obtain at least a partial mortgage loan from a lender of your choice. Qualifying applicants may be eligible to receive additional financing assistance under the NSP program for the purchase of one of these units through a 15 year forgivable deferred loan. The Pennyrile Housing Corporation is currently accepting applications for four homes that are available for purchase under the NSP program.