Veterans Directed Care Program (VDC)

The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and the Administration for Community Living (ACL) have formed a partnership to develop Pennyrile Veterans Directed Care Program (VDC) programs to enhance home-based supports for veterans. The VDC program in our region is referred as the Pennyrile Veterans Directed Care Program (VDC). This program offers eligible veterans a flexible budget to purchase services that help them to live independently at home in the community rather than in an institution. VA Medical Centers (VAMC) purchase and utilize the VDC Program through a Provider Agreement between the VAMC and an Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living (AAAIL) and in this case is Pennyrile Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living that offers the program. The VDC program includes a functional assessment, home-based services, options counseling, support services, and financial management services. The VDC program does not duplicate any services already provided by the VAMC.
Who Qualifies?
To qualify for the Pennyrile VDC Program, you must first be enrolled to receive primary care at VAMC assigned to the Pennyrile VDC Program, then meet the eligibility criteria for home and community-based services as determined by the VAMC, and have the desire to self-direct your own services & supports, and be referred to the Pennyrile AAAIL VDC Program.
Potential Services (not limited to)
The Pennyrile Area Agency on Aging & Independent Living (AAAIL) provides assistance for arranging for consumer self-directed services based upon the needs and preferences of the participating Veterans and/or their authorized representative. AAAIL provides or arranges (assist if requested by Veteran on specific tasks) for the following (but not limited to) VDC program services:
- Assessment & Reassessment
- Options Counseling and Support Services including care management
- Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). Some examples include, but are not limited to the following.
- Personal Care (e.g. physical or verbal assistance with eating, bathing, dressing, grooming, transferring)
- Homemaker (e.g. cleaning, laundry, meal planning & preparation, shopping)
- Adult Day Care Assistive Technology (e.g. emergency response system, electronic pill minder)
- Caregiver Support (e.g. counseling, training)
- Respite Care
- Financial Management Services
- Environmental Support (e.g. yard care, snow removal, extensive cleaning)
- Other goods and services needed to remain safely in the community (e.g. small appliances, grab bars, ramp, lift chair, etc.)
Payton Kidd, Participant Directed Services Coordinator, at 270-886-9484 or by email at [email protected].